9 research outputs found

    Multiple Autonomous Systems in Underwater Mine Countermeasures Mission Using Various Information Fusion as Navigation Aid

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    Autonomous bottom mine neutralization systems have a challenging task of mine reacquisition and navigation in the demanding underwater environment. Even after mine reacquisition, the neutralization payload has to be autonomously deployed near the mine, and before any action the verification (classification) of the existence of a mine has to be determined. The mine intervention vehicle can be an expendable (self-destroyed during the mine neutralization) or a vehicle that deploys the neutralization payload and it is retrieved at the end of the mission. Currently the systems developed by the research community are capable of remotely navigating a mine intervention underwater vehicle in the vicinity of the mine by using remote sonar aided navigation from a master vehicle. However, the task of successfully navigating the vehicle that carries the neutralization payload near the bottom and around the mine remains a challenge due to sea bottom clutter and the target signature interfering with the sonar detection. We seek a solution by introducing navigation via visual processing near the mine location. Using an onboard camera the relative distance to the mine-like object can be estimated. This will improve the overall vehicle navigation and rate of successful payload delivery close to the mine. The paper will present the current navigation system of the mine intervention underwater vehicle and the newly developed visual processing for relative position estimation

    Modular Wavemaker Design for Harbours and Ships Physical Model Testing

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    The paper presents design and implementation of a portable modular wavemaker system for producing regular and irregular waves in laboratory basins and fl umes. The system was built for the purpose of testing the impact of the sea waves on ships and coastal facilities. It is suitable for generation of all tipes regular and irregular surface waves. Modular system structure maintains high degree of fl exibility and reusability. Finally, the testing process on the physical model of Split harbour is described, and the currently obtained results are shown

    Inteligentno upravljanje toplinskim tokom u sustavima dvoslojnih fasada.

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    Double skin façades are frequently used in modern civil engineering, especially in high buildings with the glass envelope. With the development of technology, new possibilities have occurred to upgrade Double Skin Façades into an intelligent system. This dissertation presents such a novel design for a double skin façade system and appropriate control method. Therefore, the system analysis has been performed from the perspective of desired temperature homogeneity, with a goal to achieve equal comfort in the interior. Furthermore, the applied neural network control method is proved to be the best choice for the heat flow control as an immeasurable state variable. Estimation methods have been analysed as a part of a novel control algorithm. Computer simulations on a mathematical model and experimental tests on the scaled model have shown that it is possible to achieve better thermal conditions in interiors with Double Skin Façades. Since, the used control algorithm has significant adaptive property, the method is not constrained with dimensions, but the only structure, what justifies performing tests on a scaled model.As a result of this research, the original scientific contributions have been achieved and can be summarized as follows: 1. A novel method for automatic control of corridor double skin façade systems is proposed and tested. This method can equalize the interior temperature, with the purpose of increasing user comfort and is simple enough to be used by non-experts. 2. Artificial Adaptive Neural Network (AANN) is proven to perform better than conventional PI regulator for heat control in DSF corridor. Comparative analysis of non-controlled corridor double skin façade systems and automatically controlled double skin façade systems is per-formed. Controlled versus non-controlled heat flow in DSF shows advantages of the controlled solution.Dvostruke dvoslojne fasade su uobičajne u suvremenim građevinama, osobito u visokim zgradama sa staklenom ovojnicom. Zračni međuprostor između stijenki je kritična točka u energetskoj učinkovitosti ovakve ovojnice. Razvojem tehnologije omogućena je primjena novih metoda za premošćenje višestrukih barijera u upravljanju zahvaljujući pristupačnijoj informaciji o toplinskim i zračnim strujanjima, u tehničkom i financijskom smislu. Jedno od rješenja je unaprijeđenje dvoslojne fasade u inteligentni sustav. Ova disertacija predstavlja modifikaciju u dizajnu dvoslojne fasade i odgovarajuću upravljačku metodu. Sustav je analiziran iz perspektive izjednačenja toplinskih tokova kroz ovojnicus ciljem povećanja komfora i korsinog prostora. Nadalje, primjenjeni neuronski regulator je dokazan kao najbolji izbor pri upravljanju toplinskim tokovima gdje su stanja nemjerljiva. Estimacijske metode su analizirane kao dio upravljačkog algoritma. Računalne simulacije fizikalnog modela i eksperimentalni testovi na skalirnom modelu, su pokazale poboljšanje termalnih uvjeta u prostorima s dvoslojnom fasadom. S obzirom da je korišteni algoritam upravljanja izrazito adaptivnog karaktera, metoda nije ograničena na promjenu dimenzija, već samo na promjenu strukture što opravdava testiranje na skaliranom modelu.Kao rezultate ovog istraživanja, postignuti su sljedeći znanstveni doprinosi: 1. Inovativna metoda za automatsko upravljanje toplinom koridora dvoslojne fasade je predložena i testirana. Ova metoda može izjednačiti temperaturu interijera s ciljem povećanja komfora korisnika i dovoljno je jednostavna za primjenu. 2. Adaptivna neuronska mreža (”Artificial Adaptive Neural Network” AANN) daje dokazano bolje rezultate od konvencionalnog PI regulatora. Izvedena je komparativna analiza ne-upravljanog koridora dvoslojnih fasada i automatski upravljanog koridora dvoslojnih fasada. Upravljani toplinski tok naspram ne-upravljanom toku daje prednosti upravljanog rješenja u sustavu dvoslojne fasade

    Inteligentno upravljanje toplinskim tokom u sustavima dvoslojnih fasada.

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    Double skin façades are frequently used in modern civil engineering, especially in high buildings with the glass envelope. With the development of technology, new possibilities have occurred to upgrade Double Skin Façades into an intelligent system. This dissertation presents such a novel design for a double skin façade system and appropriate control method. Therefore, the system analysis has been performed from the perspective of desired temperature homogeneity, with a goal to achieve equal comfort in the interior. Furthermore, the applied neural network control method is proved to be the best choice for the heat flow control as an immeasurable state variable. Estimation methods have been analysed as a part of a novel control algorithm. Computer simulations on a mathematical model and experimental tests on the scaled model have shown that it is possible to achieve better thermal conditions in interiors with Double Skin Façades. Since, the used control algorithm has significant adaptive property, the method is not constrained with dimensions, but the only structure, what justifies performing tests on a scaled model.As a result of this research, the original scientific contributions have been achieved and can be summarized as follows: 1. A novel method for automatic control of corridor double skin façade systems is proposed and tested. This method can equalize the interior temperature, with the purpose of increasing user comfort and is simple enough to be used by non-experts. 2. Artificial Adaptive Neural Network (AANN) is proven to perform better than conventional PI regulator for heat control in DSF corridor. Comparative analysis of non-controlled corridor double skin façade systems and automatically controlled double skin façade systems is per-formed. Controlled versus non-controlled heat flow in DSF shows advantages of the controlled solution.Dvostruke dvoslojne fasade su uobičajne u suvremenim građevinama, osobito u visokim zgradama sa staklenom ovojnicom. Zračni međuprostor između stijenki je kritična točka u energetskoj učinkovitosti ovakve ovojnice. Razvojem tehnologije omogućena je primjena novih metoda za premošćenje višestrukih barijera u upravljanju zahvaljujući pristupačnijoj informaciji o toplinskim i zračnim strujanjima, u tehničkom i financijskom smislu. Jedno od rješenja je unaprijeđenje dvoslojne fasade u inteligentni sustav. Ova disertacija predstavlja modifikaciju u dizajnu dvoslojne fasade i odgovarajuću upravljačku metodu. Sustav je analiziran iz perspektive izjednačenja toplinskih tokova kroz ovojnicus ciljem povećanja komfora i korsinog prostora. Nadalje, primjenjeni neuronski regulator je dokazan kao najbolji izbor pri upravljanju toplinskim tokovima gdje su stanja nemjerljiva. Estimacijske metode su analizirane kao dio upravljačkog algoritma. Računalne simulacije fizikalnog modela i eksperimentalni testovi na skalirnom modelu, su pokazale poboljšanje termalnih uvjeta u prostorima s dvoslojnom fasadom. S obzirom da je korišteni algoritam upravljanja izrazito adaptivnog karaktera, metoda nije ograničena na promjenu dimenzija, već samo na promjenu strukture što opravdava testiranje na skaliranom modelu.Kao rezultate ovog istraživanja, postignuti su sljedeći znanstveni doprinosi: 1. Inovativna metoda za automatsko upravljanje toplinom koridora dvoslojne fasade je predložena i testirana. Ova metoda može izjednačiti temperaturu interijera s ciljem povećanja komfora korisnika i dovoljno je jednostavna za primjenu. 2. Adaptivna neuronska mreža (”Artificial Adaptive Neural Network” AANN) daje dokazano bolje rezultate od konvencionalnog PI regulatora. Izvedena je komparativna analiza ne-upravljanog koridora dvoslojnih fasada i automatski upravljanog koridora dvoslojnih fasada. Upravljani toplinski tok naspram ne-upravljanom toku daje prednosti upravljanog rješenja u sustavu dvoslojne fasade

    Inteligentno upravljanje toplinskim tokom u sustavima dvoslojnih fasada.

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    Double skin façades are frequently used in modern civil engineering, especially in high buildings with the glass envelope. With the development of technology, new possibilities have occurred to upgrade Double Skin Façades into an intelligent system. This dissertation presents such a novel design for a double skin façade system and appropriate control method. Therefore, the system analysis has been performed from the perspective of desired temperature homogeneity, with a goal to achieve equal comfort in the interior. Furthermore, the applied neural network control method is proved to be the best choice for the heat flow control as an immeasurable state variable. Estimation methods have been analysed as a part of a novel control algorithm. Computer simulations on a mathematical model and experimental tests on the scaled model have shown that it is possible to achieve better thermal conditions in interiors with Double Skin Façades. Since, the used control algorithm has significant adaptive property, the method is not constrained with dimensions, but the only structure, what justifies performing tests on a scaled model.As a result of this research, the original scientific contributions have been achieved and can be summarized as follows: 1. A novel method for automatic control of corridor double skin façade systems is proposed and tested. This method can equalize the interior temperature, with the purpose of increasing user comfort and is simple enough to be used by non-experts. 2. Artificial Adaptive Neural Network (AANN) is proven to perform better than conventional PI regulator for heat control in DSF corridor. Comparative analysis of non-controlled corridor double skin façade systems and automatically controlled double skin façade systems is per-formed. Controlled versus non-controlled heat flow in DSF shows advantages of the controlled solution.Dvostruke dvoslojne fasade su uobičajne u suvremenim građevinama, osobito u visokim zgradama sa staklenom ovojnicom. Zračni međuprostor između stijenki je kritična točka u energetskoj učinkovitosti ovakve ovojnice. Razvojem tehnologije omogućena je primjena novih metoda za premošćenje višestrukih barijera u upravljanju zahvaljujući pristupačnijoj informaciji o toplinskim i zračnim strujanjima, u tehničkom i financijskom smislu. Jedno od rješenja je unaprijeđenje dvoslojne fasade u inteligentni sustav. Ova disertacija predstavlja modifikaciju u dizajnu dvoslojne fasade i odgovarajuću upravljačku metodu. Sustav je analiziran iz perspektive izjednačenja toplinskih tokova kroz ovojnicus ciljem povećanja komfora i korsinog prostora. Nadalje, primjenjeni neuronski regulator je dokazan kao najbolji izbor pri upravljanju toplinskim tokovima gdje su stanja nemjerljiva. Estimacijske metode su analizirane kao dio upravljačkog algoritma. Računalne simulacije fizikalnog modela i eksperimentalni testovi na skalirnom modelu, su pokazale poboljšanje termalnih uvjeta u prostorima s dvoslojnom fasadom. S obzirom da je korišteni algoritam upravljanja izrazito adaptivnog karaktera, metoda nije ograničena na promjenu dimenzija, već samo na promjenu strukture što opravdava testiranje na skaliranom modelu.Kao rezultate ovog istraživanja, postignuti su sljedeći znanstveni doprinosi: 1. Inovativna metoda za automatsko upravljanje toplinom koridora dvoslojne fasade je predložena i testirana. Ova metoda može izjednačiti temperaturu interijera s ciljem povećanja komfora korisnika i dovoljno je jednostavna za primjenu. 2. Adaptivna neuronska mreža (”Artificial Adaptive Neural Network” AANN) daje dokazano bolje rezultate od konvencionalnog PI regulatora. Izvedena je komparativna analiza ne-upravljanog koridora dvoslojnih fasada i automatski upravljanog koridora dvoslojnih fasada. Upravljani toplinski tok naspram ne-upravljanom toku daje prednosti upravljanog rješenja u sustavu dvoslojne fasade

    Modelling heat loss through multi storey double skin façade as preliminaries for an energy efficient control strategy

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    The paper introduces a novel strategy to improve energy consumption by applying new technical solution in Double Skin Façade (DSF) systems. The strategy is based on equalizing thermal loss through all elements of the envelope, but without direct action on interior zone. The focus of this study is in modelling as preliminary action before designing an efficient control strategy through Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based on Lyapunov-like tuning. Results of other experiments will justify the usage of this simplified differential description in further control study of DSF dynamics

    Modular Wavemaker Design for Harbours and Ships Physical Model Testing

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    The paper presents design and implementation of a portable modular wavemaker system for producing regular and irregular waves in laboratory basins and fl umes. The system was built for the purpose of testing the impact of the sea waves on ships and coastal facilities. It is suitable for generation of all tipes regular and irregular surface waves. Modular system structure maintains high degree of fl exibility and reusability. Finally, the testing process on the physical model of Split harbour is described, and the currently obtained results are shown

    Zamjena dijela sustava turbinske regulacije na HE Čakovec

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    U radu je predstavljena zamjena dijela sustava turbinske regulacije proizvodnih jedinica A i B HE Čakovec. U uvodu su navedeni bitni razlozi za zamjenu dijela sustava turbinske regulacije. Nakon toga predstavljeni su podsustavi sustava turbinske regulacije: turbinski regulator, upravljanje nizvodnim zatvaračima, mjerenja razina vode i elektrohidraulički dio sustava turbinske regulacije. Također je predstavljeno mjerenje razina vode s hardverskom strukturom posebno prilagođenom za ova kontinuirana mjerenja. Posebna pozornost posvećena je dodatnoj funkciji turbinskog regulatora za nadzor kvarova u sustavima pozicioniranja privodnog i radnog kola. Dodatno su opisana HIL ispitivanja (Hardware in the Loop testing) sustava turbinske regulacije koja su provedena prilikom tvorničkih ispitivanja i navedene njihove prednosti. Opisan je registrator prijelaznih pojava i događaja. Na kraju je dan osvrt na primopredajna ispitivanja, te redoslijed projektiranja i izvođenja radova na HE Čakovec

    Zamjena sustava turbinske regulacije proizvodne jedinice B HE Dubrovnik

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    U članku je predstavljena zamjena sustava turbinske regulacije proizvodne jedinice B HE Dubrovnik. U uvodu su navedeni glavni razlozi za zamjenu sustava turbinske regulacije. Nakon toga opisani su radovi i usluge potrebni za isporuku sustava po načelu ključ u ruke. Opisan je postupak projektiranja sustava. Predstavljeni su podsustavi sustava turbinske regulacije: elektrohidraulički podsustav sa hidrauličkim agregatom, hidrauličkim akumulatorima i hidrauličkim servomotorima, senzorika sustava turbinske regulacije, te ormari pomoćnih pogona i turbinske regulacije. Naznačeno je upravljanje sustavom turbinske regulacije. Navedena su tvornička, primopredajna ispitivanja i puštanje u pogon. Na kraju je dan osvrt na primopredajna ispitivanja i puštanje u pogon proizvodne jedinice B HE Dubrovnik